/chemistry/experiments/1045-exp8-calorimetry.pdfChemistry Lab Experiments
CHM1045C - General Chemistry With Qualitative Analysis 1
Glassware and Equipment
- Illustrations of Glassware and Apparatus
- Valencia West Campus Chemistry Lab Inventory Room 304
- Valencia West Campus Lab Inventory Room 309
- Experiment 1: Mass, Volume, and Density
- Experiment 2: Empirical Formulas
- Experiment 3: Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes
- Experiment 4: Limiting Reactant
- Experiment 5: Observing and Classifying Reactions
- Experiment 6: Amount of Active Ingredient in Aspirin
- Experiment 7: Analysis of a Gaseous Product
- Experiment 8: Calorimetry
- Experiment 9: Emission Spectra
- Experiment 10: Dye Concentration Using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
- Experiment 11: Molecular Modeling
- Experiment 12: Laboratory Practical Exam
- Experiment 13: Mass, Volume, and Density
- Experiment 14: Amount of Active Ingredient in Aspirin
- Appendix 1: Density of Water
- Appendix 2: Writing Products of Double Replacement Reaction
- Appendix 3: Solubility Rules for Common Ionic Compounds
- Appendix 4: Some Common Strong Acids and Bases
- Appendix 5: Vapor Pressure of Water at Various Temperatures
- Appendix 6: How to Write a Laboratory Notebook
- Appendix 7: Creating a Graph in Excel
- Appendix 8: How to Calculate Mean, Standard Deviation, Relative Standard Deviation, and Relative Percent Error
- Appendix 9: How to Write a Conclusion
- Technique 1: Cleaning Glassware
- Technique 2: Using a Balance
- Technique 3: Transferring Liquids and Solutions
- Technique 4: Using a Graduated Cylinder
- Technique 5: Using a Volumetric Pipet
- Technique 5 Video (Links to an external site.)
- Technique 6: Using a Volumetric Flask
- Technique 7: Using a Graduated Pipet
- Technique 8: Decanting
- Technique 9: Using a Bunsen Burner
- Technique 9 Video (Links to an external site.)
- Technique 10: Using a Centrifuge
- Technique 11: Disposing of Chemical Waste
- Technique 12: Using pH Paper
- Technique 13: Using Litmus Paper
- Technique 14: Using a Digital pH Sensor
- Technique 15: Testing for Odors
- Technique 16: Filtration by Gravity
- Technique 16 Video (Links to an external site.)
- Technique 17: Filtration by Vacuum
- Technique 17 Video (Links to an external site.)
- Technique 18: Measuring Temperature
- Technique 19: Using the LabQuest Data Collector with Conductivity Probe
- Technique 20: Using the LabQuest Data Collector with Temperature Probe
- Technique 21a: Using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer - Genysis 20
- Technique 21b: Using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer - Lambda XLS
- Technique 22: Titration
- Technique 22 Video (Links to an external site.)
- Technique 23: Fan Folding Flat Filter Paper
Lab Information
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